Concentrate Microelements in Granules that add necessary trace elements (Zinc (Zn), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Thiamine, L-serine, Lactose, Sucrose …) in the form of nano are essential for cattle and poultry in the process of feeding but lack of daily food. Thereby enhancing the resistance of the animal’s body to the adverse environment and epidemics.
In fact, the addition of concentrated micronutrients gave the following direct results:
For pigs: Preventing and limiting common diseases (piglet diarrhea, cholera, sealant disease, foot-and-mouth disease). Pigs are very active. Farmers have to use antibiotics less often.
For chickens: Prevention and limitation of common diseases (coccidiosis; helminthiasis; dry feet disease, swelling of the face and swelling of the head, blackhead disease; kite fungus, small intestinal artery). Chicken is healthy. The farmers hardly have to use antibiotics.
For cows: Prevention and limitation of common diseases (diarrhea in calves, coccidiosis, foot-and-mouth disease, rumen gas disease, mastitis).